
Clearing value scrambles up cursor

dkundel opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there! I'm currently building something with the TextInput component and when I'm clearing the value the behavior becomes odd and I couldn't really figure out why.

Here's what I'm doing:

const { default: InkTextInput } = require('ink-text-input');
const Example = () => {
  const [content, setContent] = useState('');
  useInput((_, key) => {
    if (key.return) {

  return (
      <InkTextInput value={content} onChange={setContent} />

The first time when I type content into it, it works great. Then when I hit return and it clears it it will first capture the first character and then prepend everything else. For example if I type in 1234 it will the first time write 1234. The second time it will write 2341.

ink: 3.0.3
ink-text-input: 4.0.0

Reproduced, going to take a look.

Fix is released in 4.0.1. Thanks for reporting!