
Solspace Calendar URLs in Sitemap

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I've got Calendar events showing up in a sitemap, so that is working, with:

'games' => [
                'elementType' => \Solspace\Calendar\Elements\Event::class,
                'criteria' => [
                    'calendar' => 'varsity',
                    'rangeStart' => date('Y').'-01-01',
                    'rangeEnd' => date('Y').'-01-01'
                'params' => [
                    'changefreq' => 'weekly',
                    'priority' => 0.9

The output is:

<urlset xmlns="" xmlns:xhtml="">
<!-- Created on: 2021-09-29 11:26:57 -->

As you can see, the url item is missing. I am unsure how to specify this in seomate.php, or if it should be added automatically? I do have the URI specified with a template in the calendar settings, so I think everything should be in place

Haven't used Solspace Calendar myself, but the only thing SEOMate does is $element->url. So if the element has an URL, it should return it. Could it be something simple like caching that's messing up things? Tried clearing the SEOMate cache?