
Eagerloading global images

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've got a global with my default seo image. globalSeo.image

I've got the Element Panel plugin installed to check when i need to eager-load stuff or I've missed it out. It keeps showing a warning when the default image is added as the seo image that the image is not eagerloaded

adding the following code in the config seems to fix the issue:

$globalSeo = Craft::$app->globals->getSetByHandle('myGlobalHandle');
Craft::$app->elements->eagerLoadElements('\craft\elements\GlobalSet', [$globalSeo], 'seoImageHandle');

however i now get a warning: "Element query executed before Craft is fully initialized."

Eager-loading a single element makes no sense as there is no N+1 query issue. In this case, eager-loading the global set would generate additional queries, not fewer.

If you're concerned about performance, make sure that the SEOMate cache is enabled in live environments.