
Support for the Matrix sub field syntax in config/seomate.php has been deprecated

Closed this issue · 1 comments


I'm receiving a deprecation warning on one of our Craft sites: Support for the matrixFieldHandle:blockTypeHandle.subFieldHandle Matrix sub field syntax in config/seomate.php has been deprecated. Use the syntax matrixFieldHandle.blockTypeHandle:subFieldHandle instead.


  • PHP version: 8.1.16
  • OS Version: Linux 5.15.49-linuxkit
  • Database driver & version: MariaDB 10.4.28
  • Image driver & version: Imagick 3.7.0 (ImageMagick 6.9.11-60)
  • Craft edition & version: Craft Pro 4.4.14
  • Yii version: 2.0.47
  • Twig version: v3.4.3
  • Guzzle version: 7.7.0

Like the deprecation warning says, you should change any references to Matrix sub fields in your config/seomate.php file from the old syntax to the new syntax.

I.e. change anything that looks like this:


to this:


The old syntax still works as of SEOMate 2.x, but we'll probably remove it in the next major SEOMate version (likely 3.0 when Craft 5 is released), hence the deprecation warning.