
Match trailing slash?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

This isn't really a bug, more of a question. How do I match a tailing slash (a slash on the end of a URL) so it can detect and as dupes?

Right now, my rules look like this:

vaeth commented

Create a modify rule: Replace URL matches /$ by `` (leave empty).

I tried this, and it did not work, it is still showing only exact matches like matching, it does not yet match with

Did I make a mistake?

vaeth commented

Here, it had worked: I created a copy of the bookmark without the trailing slash, disabled all other rules and pressed "Dupes", and the bookmark was found among the duplicates. Maybe something in combination with your other rules break, or maybe your bookmarks differ by something else?
BTW, I realize that rule 6 should already cover (one or more) trailing /, anyway.

vaeth commented

Just a random idea why it might have failed for you: You have to leave "Expert mode" checked (that is, opened), if you want to use the rule. "Expert mode" is not a "configuration" setting but really active only when it is opened.

Yep you were right, I did not leave Expert mode enabled, and rule 6 did cover the trailing / so it now works perfectly (and even finds bookmarks with https:// vs no protocol as dupes).
