
How to find duplicate only if URL and TITLE both match?

endolith opened this issue · 5 comments

I don't understand if this is possible. It seems like the rule would be

“Replace URL matches” .+ “by” $URL$TITLE

But it says "this special meaning is only active if this is the full replacement text", so they can't be combined like that? But then how would they be combined? It says "one can combine several rules to work around that limitation if necessary" but how to combine them if they both completely replace the text?

vaeth commented

You are right: AFAICS, it is currently impossible to produce such a useful combination.

Version 6.4 will allow to use also $&$TITLE, TITLE$&, $&$URL, $URL$&, $&$NAME, $NAME$&.

Ok, great. About how long until that version is available?

vaeth commented


So I replace .+ with $&$TITLE and it will append the title to the URL and use the combination for matching?

Looks like that's working. Thanks!!!

Now I can clean up my 168,040 duplicate bookmarks without worrying about accidentally deleting useful information...