
Does m10c work with RStudio

ogansser opened this issue · 8 comments

i try to run m10c with RStudio. It works but I cannot replace the avatar with my picture. Instead, there is the author name with a link to the committed server.

Here is the config.toml:

baseURL = ""
title = "my Site"
theme = "hugo-theme-m10c"
paginate = 10

author = "Oliver Gansser"
description = "Marketing - Research - Communication - Sales - Consumer-Typology"
name = "github"
url = ""
name = "twitter"
url = ""

Hi, have another question:
Is it possible to place somewhere a kind of imprint?


xeraa commented

You can replace the image by putting your own one into static/avatar.jpg (the folder static is on the same level as themes) — this will overwrite the one from the theme.

To add a footer you'd IMO need to customize the template. Copy themes/hugo-theme-m10c/layouts/_default/baseof.html to layouts/_default/baseof.html and make your changes to that file. Maybe right before or after </main>, but that might also require some SCSS tweaking.

replace the jpg with my own did not work. Maybe it has to do with my compiling with RStudio? Footer, I will try. Thanx

xeraa commented

Your editor won't make any difference. If you just run hugo it will generate a public/ folder with the output for you. There the avatar.jpg in the base folder (so public/avatar.jpg) should be the one from the static/ folder.

This is the code in the index.html:

The jpg is in the public folder, but in the HTML code the reference is not src="avatar.jpg", it is "src=//avatar.jpeg".

<header class="app-header"> <a href="/"><img class="app-header-avatar" src="//avatar.jpg" alt="Dr. Oliver Gansser" /></a>

xeraa commented

Yes, this is almost working.

The line that is causing the issue is

Did you set the right baseURL in the configuration file? See for an example

vaga commented

How do you generate your website ?

At the moment, your baseURL seems to be empty.

(I'm fixing double / in avatar src attribute.)
(Edit: it's fixed a553e18)

great, it works. thanx!