
Cannot find the module "flags"

Closed this issue · 9 comments


Thank you for all the improvements and documentation.

I installed in Ubuntu
sudo python3 build
sudo python3 install

then issued the command:

shell: python3 bin/deepsphinx-infer --checkpoint-path data/ --audio-file ~/speech/23-00-25_217c.wav

There was an error - see below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "bin/deepsphinx-infer", line 5, in
from deepsphinx.api import Predict
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/deepshinx-0.1-py3.5.egg/deepsphinx/", line 7, in
ImportError: No module named 'flags'

Although the module was in the "build"

shell: find . -name flags*

The same error occurs also with python3 bin/deepsphinx-infer --help and on Windows.


It's strange that it is working in my case. Based on the line, I can guess the error. Can you try again please.

Also, you have to run deepsphinx-infer --checkpoint-path data/batch-21937 --audio-file ~/speech/23-00-25_217c.wav(notice the checkpoint path)

Thanks so much for reporting the errors.

I ran with the shorter checkpoint path as in your example and got the same result.
Strange because "flags" appears in the build directory.

On ubuntu I am using "python3", could that be the reason?


Have you pulled again from the repo? If not, please pull it again and install it.

I don't think python3 is the reason as I am using it too.


Thanks! Now this error is gone - but there are others from TensorFlow.
I am not using a GPU.

Perhaps I there is a problem with the TensorFlow installation? I followed the
instructions on their page and installed using pip3 .


Can you please run ls data/batch-21937.* to verify that the checkpoints are there?

There should be an index file and a data file present in that location.

You should have two files. I have mentioned that in

Can you please download:

I am sorry for the time it took for you to run this program due to many bugs from my side. Hope this will finally make it work for you.

It works now, thank you very much!
Sorry I didn't notice the 2nd file in the usage...
