
So what have we learned from taking a big L yesterday?

tutupmulut opened this issue · 0 comments

I managed to add to cart, go to paypal and almost got through the payment process before being cart jacked... Is there a way to change the speed of the autofill? I think a little bit of speed can be gained there... i managed to cook with this bot all season long without any problems. Only yesterday I got cart jacked. Could be due to paypal taking longer to process payment than while using a creditcard. I think if I would have chosen a faster checkout delay in the 1000-1500mS range instead of 2000mS it would have helped as well. I heard no successes so far from people cooking yesterday with this extension. What else could we try to speed up the process just a little bit. I was so gutted after being cartjacked 4 times ffs.