
Auto-checkout (dev branch)

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hi, if I haven't bothered you yet: currently I'm on a dev branch, I disabled auto-checkout but when I'm on basket page bot still redirects me to a checkout. Is it correct behavior?

Hi, yes for the moment it is the expected behaviour but I'm thinking of another way of doing that, do you have any ideas?

What if we add some flag(bool) to proceed auto-checkout when we running auto-cop?

Yeah that could be nice! Do you want to try to implement it and make a pull-request?

Or maybe a simpler solution: track if we've visited checkout page at least once and do redirect based on this check?
but we need to decide where/when to reset this check

I could try but I haven't got any real experience with JS as well as with Chrome ext. I could try to dig into it at weekend

Yeah that would be cool! I don't have much as much time as before to work on the bot