
False positive on ETH

dferrandizmont opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm trying to use the contract deployed on ETH 0xe7e07a2281f1e66e938ae7feefc69db181329f12 but when checking this token 0xda31d0d1bc934fc34f7189e38a413ca0a5e8b44f results are:

    "buyTax": -1,
    "sellTax": -1,
    "isHoneypot": 1,
    "error": {
        "data": null

while using the result is success. What can be wrong with the contract?. Thanks for you work @valamidev !

Yes, it is expected, this token in only tradeable on UniswapV3. This honeypot checker is designed for UniSwapV2, PanckakeSwap and other UniSwap forks.

To avoid to get "isHoneypot": 1 response in this case, you should add a pre-check for your implementation that is this token listed on UniSwapV2 or V3, which is easily possible with calling the UniSwapV2 factory contract.

Oh cool, thanks for the answer.

But what's the real diff between router v2 and v3? Can the contract be adapted to v3?. As far as I can see both have the same methods on the interface.

There is not much difference, but to support V3 the contract should contain the Interface of the V3 contract and need to be redeployed. Might be I will update to V3 soon.

Okey, that would be really cool! Thanks @valamidev