
Check fail on several tokens

BrokedTV opened this issue · 10 comments

The test fail (return HP - transfer failed) on several tokens, where on others check site they are correctly reported with the right taxes.

Example: bsc 0x3f203c1403ce39d4d42c4667287a7fb2b1db1066

The test fail (return HP - transfer failed) on several tokens, where on others check site they are correctly reported with the right taxes.

Example: bsc 0x3f203c1403ce39d4d42c4667287a7fb2b1db1066

Binance Chain is not supported by this repo, for Binance there are better alternatives.

The test fail (return HP - transfer failed) on several tokens, where on others check site they are correctly reported with the right taxes.
Example: bsc 0x3f203c1403ce39d4d42c4667287a7fb2b1db1066

Binance Chain is not supported by this repo, for Binance there are better alternatives.

Why it should not be supported? is there any tech difference from other chains?
The same tested contract i posted above deployed on a supported chain will still fail.

Because there is community accepted Tax/Honeypot checker for BSC network which is the .

This repo is made to make an universal contract for chains where is no other alternative. Feel free to deploy to BSC.

Because there is community accepted Tax/Honeypot checker for BSC network which is the .

This repo is made to make an universal contract for chains where is no other alternative. Feel free to deploy to BSC.

I did deploy on BSC to test the success rate of the tester vs other popular tester, as the one you pointed out, and that's how i realized that the current version show several tokens as Honeypot when they are not, and that is what i was reporting .
The same token contract if forked on a chain you directly support will still fail the check, no matter what the chain it is deployed on.

The same token contract if forked on a chain you directly support will still fail the check, no matter what the chain it is deployed on.

Please give some example, we are using this contract and not experienced false report unless the contract / LP has some issue.

The contract i posted on the first post, the check for that CA succeed on ishoneypot but fail with the contract from this repo


The contract i posted on the first post, the check for that CA succeed on ishoneypot but fail with the contract from this repo


There is no BSC support in this repo, so it is expected that it will fail.

The contract i posted on the first post, the check for that CA succeed on ishoneypot but fail with the contract from this repo

There is no BSC support in this repo, so it is expected that it will fail.

I deployed your contract checker on BSC and it fail with it.
You can fork 0x3f203c1403ce39d4d42c4667287a7fb2b1db1066 on your favorite and supported chain or testnet and check on that if you prefer, i don't see why the results should be any different

Okay, I deployed the contract for you:


BSC MainNet { buyTax: 14.999999788758412, sellTax: 13.279372300708047, buyGasCost: '153334', sellGasCost: '296250', isHoneypot: 0 }

It's working fine you are right, i realized that i was testing with a 2 BNB buy which was too much for that token, that was the only reason why it was returning
buyTax: -1, sellTax: -1, isHoneypot: 1, error: Error: Returned error: execution reverted: Pancake: TRANSFER_FAIL
great and gj!