
Some API get 404 status

Closed this issue · 3 comments

such as webClient.PreGame.getPlayer

I have set the config according to the information on discord

  const webClient = new WebClient({
    client: {
      version: 'release-05.09-shipping-10-789344',
      platform: {
        platformType: 'PC',
        platformOS: 'Windows',
        platformOSVersion: '10.0.19042.1.256.64bit',
        platformChipset: 'Unknown',

check the region


it will return all configs and "region" must be set to be yours.

i think it is right

  client: {
    version: 'release-05.09-shipping-10-789344',
    platform: {
      platformType: 'PC',
      platformOS: 'Windows',
      platformOSVersion: '10.0.19042.1.256.64bit',
      platformChipset: 'Unknown'
  axiosConfig: {
    headers: {
      'User-Agent': 'RiotClient/ rso-auth (Windows;10;;Professional, x64)',
      'X-Riot-ClientVersion': 'release-06.00-shipping-7-812534',
      'X-Riot-ClientPlatform': 'eyJwbGF0Zm9ybVR5cGUiOiJQQyIsInBsYXRmb3JtT1MiOiJXaW5kb3dzIiwicGxhdGZvcm1PU1ZlcnNpb24iOiIxMC4wLjE5MDQyLjEuMjU2LjY0Yml0IiwicGxhdGZvcm1DaGlwc2V0IjoiVW5rbm93biJ9'
  throwOnError: true,
  region: 'ap'

maybe you didn't in "Pregame (select character phase)"