
libpng12-0 requirements are not user friendly for Ubuntu

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Tested in 20.04 LTS.
Especially the i386 lib, there aren't really any pre-compiled deb packages that will work due to a change in lib folders.
I had to make my own to be able to install it.
The 64 bit lib can be installed from a third party repo.

Normally I wouldn't open a bug report for this but considering Ubuntu is one of the most popular distros and that this dependency was already broken in previous versions it would probably be worth looking into. I haven't really spent any time verifying what the dependency is used for so I'm unaware of how complicated it would be to move to libpng16.

This was fixed on the lutris-wine-6 branch, see commit a0e1068

Considering support for Proton versions newer than 5.20 via Steam is still not possible due to bubblewrap, using lutris+XIVLauncher and using the lutris-wine-6 branch is the recommended setup currently.

Given that, I'm not sure it's worth backporting those changes to the main branch. Thoughts?

Makes sense to me, in that case I'd clarify in the documentation that XIVLauncher users have a specific feature branch they should use. Specially if said branch is the new recommended setup. That's just a thought though.
