
Drag play window bug

samychen opened this issue · 6 comments

When drag and drop the window, duplicate frames will appear, appearing every time

The test video resolution is 1080P 59.94fps,Use QAVHWDevice_D3D11 display appearing every time,but cpu render do not appear this bug

valbok commented

Hi, thanks for contributing! What version of Qt is it?

valbok commented
  • Is it seen using ./qml_example ?

  • Could you please share the file?

  • btw it is worth to check rendering using QMediaPlayer

QMediaPlayer mp;
mp.setAudioOutput(new QAudioOutput); 
valbok commented

Also as I remember, old Qt QML supports only NV12 format for rendering, means it requires 2 textures, otherwise the renderer will fallback to, it will download data from GPU and convert to proper format.

valbok commented

Your idea looks correct
but remember in some version of ffmpeg, AV_PIX_FMT_NV12 is returned for AV_HWDEVICE_TYPE_D3D11VA, maybe it is true for only some files ?

valbok commented

Could you confirm that your files are ok now? after 453. Thanks