Failed to install - unsupported proxy error message
valentinitnelav opened this issue · 2 comments
valentinitnelav commented
When installing the plotbiomes
package one can get something like below:
## Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
## Unsupported proxy 'https://proxy.companydomain:8080', libcurl is built without the HTTPS-proxy support.
Same happens with remotes::install_github("valentinitnelav/plotbiomes")
Note that, https://proxy.companydomain:8080/
is just an example here (can be whatever the case).
valentinitnelav commented
By the way, note that the error message doesn't catch the package's name. It gives 'unknown package'
. Check into that as well.
valentinitnelav commented
This was a problem regarding my user profile, environmental variables and admin group policies. The proxy issue got solved by the IT. This is not an R problem.
Curious though why the error message didn't catch the package name...