
Unable to get this work as shown in the documentation page

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi valic, sorry to bring this issue here but for some reason, was preventing me from replying back to your comment and kept showing error messages.

In response to your message, I did the following.

I have install smart_ip and configure it. Currency Resolver with smart IP

I used VPN to test it and it works. However, the following still happens

Using NordVPN I change to the location to France, in admin/commerce/config/commerce_currency_resolver/mapping I map France to Euro. Mapping

(1) In product page still shows default currency which is "GBP(£)" Product view
(2) On the cart page, it shows the total value of the cart in "EURO" Cart page
(3) On the order summary page, the value is shown in "GBP(£)" Order Summary Page

This is how my product variation is set up. Product variation Structure
I am super confused has to what is going on. Why the product page still defaults to GBP.

I am closing the issue. I am moved the question back to the drupal project