
Overcomplicated / RivaTuner conflict

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Windows 11 23H2 + Core Isolation disabled

Bug check — seems to be conflicting with the RivaTuner driver (or could it be the privilege escalation CVE you're exploiting in that driver?)



Change owner, then tweak the ACL for WindowsApps. Could be served as a prerequisite.
Make the changes, revert the changes to the ACL and switch back the owner.


Preferrably serve the injector separately.
Not everything has to have a one-click solution 😉

Yeah, did not have time to work on this, only now I caught up with it. Anyway, I came up with a different solution, check out the latest version:

Just to mention, yeah, all I was trying to avoid was changing the ACLs in the first places with the overcomplication that I was using before. But yeah, needlessly complex - I did not know that Microsoft has hardened Windows 11 that much. On "ancient" Windows 10 builds, those drivers worked flawlessly, so I took it as an exercise of doing things from a kernel mode driver. Yeah, anyway, I think the current design I went to is much better and does not need messing with the ACLs or dropping files where the app is installed.