sfc /scannow wont let me patch again
ThaBluNate opened this issue · 1 comments
I ran sfc /scannow, but now i cant go back to box corners, all i ask for is a way to force it to install or uninstall, regardless of the state of dwm, like a command line argument:
Win11DisableOrRestoreRoundedCorners.exe --restore
Win11DisableOrRestoreRoundedCorners.exe --patch
Every time i run the patcher it tells me it cant restore dwm
(it's already original, and it doesn't have the perms to do so)
I suggest you try ExplorerPatcher, it already has a better version of this patch built-in and much more. Alternatively, if you just want a patch standalone, the component that patches DWM from EP is kept in a separate repository, you can follow the instructions here to get that executable alone which does a much better job than this.