
My Vue Project for Software University

Primary LanguageCSS

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Project - Cook Book

Type - Social Network for Cookers and Chefs

Demo: https://cook-book-vue.herokuapp.com/

Demo Users

Username: asdasd Password: 123456


Cook Book is the platform where you can find thousand of recipes and articles from the blog created by the best cookers in the world. There are 2 roles - User and Guest

  • Users can Add, Delete, Edit Recipes,
  • Users can Add, Delete, Edit Articles,
  • Users can View User Info
  • Users can see the user part of the website
  • Guests have limited permissions - they can see the home page and log in or register



  • Id
  • Name
  • Username
  • Email
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Code
  • Country


  • Id
  • Title
  • Description
  • Category
  • Sub Category
  • Preparation Time
  • Cooking Time
  • Servings
  • Ingredients
  • Steps
  • Image


  • Id
  • Title
  • Content
  • Image


Home Page - Guest

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Home Page - User

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Recipe Details

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Article Details

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Create Recipe

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Create Article

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User Info

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Technologies used and bonuses

  • Vue JS
  • Used Vuex for State Management
  • Vuetify
  • Kinvey Database
  • Deployed the application in cloud environment (Heroku)
  • Used File Storage Cloud API (Cloudinary)
  • Created animations using Vue's built-in transitions and Animate.css library
  • Created Unit Tests
  • Created Interceptor for the axios requests
  • Navigation guard to show if the user is logged in