[BUG] Multilanguage GUI - Strings not translated
bovirus opened this issue · 1 comments
Describe the bug
I made teh changes to add italian language.
I compield it with VisualC++
Some strings seems not translated.
Some value ("false" or "true" are not translated)
The strings "false" / "Trues" are not localized
The window title "Info" should have a differnt strings then "info" in main UI (shoretr in main UI and longer in About window).
Library name author reuired tranlation ("by" -> "di"). Add these strings to language file.
tring that contain "All right rserved" reuqired translation. Add this string to language file.
Device (please complete the following information):
- Windows Version: Windows 10 22H2
- Device model:
- Device type (Desktop, Laptop...): Desktop HP 800 G1
Additional context
Please merge my italian language files.
Please fix the issue.
The strings you mentioned can now be localized, but I cannot separate the title on the page and navigation bar due to a limitation of WPF UI.