
Trades are not shown in "" report

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My service instance had not been executing trades for a while (week or so), it got funded recently, but trades are not showing, even though I see trades are being executed regularly.

Here's the report:

$ poetry run python ../ --creator 0x74D2b585a46279b4fa9fEEAE001efc972726C709
Updating the local Mech events database. This may take a while.
             Event: Request
    Sender address: 0x74D2b585a46279b4fa9fEEAE001efc972726C709


Summary (per market state)

Safe address:    0x74D2b585a46279b4fa9fEEAE001efc972726C709
Address balance: 13.79 xDAI
Token balance:   2.79 WxDAI

                        Open       Pending    Finalizing   Arbitrating        Closed       Unknown         TOTAL
Num_trades                 0             0             0             0             0             0             0
Winner_trades              0             0             0             0             0             0             0
Num_redeemed               0             0             0             0             0             0             0
Mech_calls                 0             0             0             0             0             0           108
Investment         0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI
Fees               0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI
Mech_fees          0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     1.08 xDAI
Earnings           0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI
Net_earnings       0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI    -1.08 xDAI
Redemptions        0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI     0.00 xDAI
ROI                0.00 %        0.00 %        0.00 %        0.00 %        0.00 %        0.00 %     -100.00 %  

How do I get them showing again?