
How to migrate from prisma client?

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I have a lot of code that uses prisma client to do db queries. How can I gradually migrate to prisma-kysely? I want to have more control over the queries that are sent to the database (postgres, in my case).

This is how my schema.prisma file looks like:

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["jsonProtocol"]

datasource db {
  provider = "postgresql"
  url      = env("DATABASE_URL")

I don't want to migrate to prisma-kysely overnight. I would rather do it endpoint by endpoint. Should I append this into schema.prisma:

generator kysely {
    provider = "prisma-kysely"

    output = "../src/db"
    fileName = "types.ts"
    enumFileName = "enums.ts"

and leave generator client definition until I migrate all the code to kysely? I cannot just remove generator client, right?

valtyr commented

Yup you got that right. Prisma supports multiple generators, so adding prisma-kysely won't affect your existing prisma-client-js code. You should be able to gradually transition that way.