
Getting Invalid prisma-kysely config error

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I'm trying to use pirmsa-kysely with an existing prisma client, but I'm getting some issues.

Here's the error I get when trying to run prisma migrate dev:

prisma:error Invalid prisma-kysely config
prisma:error databaseProvider: Invalid input

And here's my configuration in schema.primsa:

generator client {
    provider = "prisma-client-js"

generator kysely {
    provider = "prisma-kysely"

datasource db {
    provider     = "postgres"
    relationMode = "prisma"
    url          = env("DATABASE_URL")

Any clue what do I need to change? And also can I run both generators alongside or it won't be possible?

valtyr commented

Hey there. You need to change the datasource provider name to "postgresql" instead of "postgres". Prisma supports postgres as an alias for postgresql so I think we probably should too, but we don't as of right now.