same record_id's value in 2 destination projects instead of 2 differents values
ThomasVermes opened this issue · 2 comments
I set up the EM so that from the source project data are copied to 2 destinations projects (A & B).
Important thing: Project A is set before Project B in the EM Setting
last record in project A = 15
last record in project B = 10
When the module is launched the 2 new records created have the "new" record_id from the highest (+1) record_id from the first set project in the EM (project A)
new record in project A = 16
new record in project B = 16
the Module search only after which record_id to create only in the first set project and not in both.
Expected would be:
new record in project A = 16
new record in project B = 11
I believe this is expected behavior. With "1. Name for New Record (Accepts standard REDCap piping. Leave blank to use next auto ID):" left blank, if Project B's Auto-Numbering enabled you will get a new number for the record_id. If Project B's Auto-Numbering is disabled you will get the same record id as Project A.
thank you for your quick reply, actually we ahd the "auto-numbering" enabled for both projects.