InvalidProgramException for setups for methods on value types on mono
vanderkleij opened this issue · 0 comments
vanderkleij commented
When running the unit tests on mono (on linux), some unit tests fail because of an InvalidProgramException
. It appears that this happens for all unit tests that contain a setup that targets a method on a value type, such as Int32.GetHashCode
System.InvalidProgramException : Invalid IL code in Smocks.Tests.TargetMatchingTests:<Setup_AnyValueTypeTarget_MatchesAnyInstance>m__1 (Smocks.ISmocksContext): IL_0055: stloc.2
System.InvalidProgramException : Invalid IL code in Smocks.Tests.TargetMatchingTests/<Setup_ValueTypeTarget_MatchesOnlyEqualInstance>c__AnonStorey0:<>m__0 (Smocks.ISmocksContext): IL_0057: stloc.0