Exam Online System Backend


This is the backend of the Exam Online System. It is a RESTful API that provides endpoints for the frontend to interact with the database.

The frontend of the system is built with VueJS and can be found here.

The system is designed to be used by schools or organizations to conduct online exams. It supports multiple types of questions, random exam generation, and exam statistics.

In the future, I plan to build a school management system that includes more features like attendance, timetable, and grade, file management.


  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Security
  • Mybatis Plus
  • MySQL
  • JWT
  • Redis
  • Docker & Docker Compose


There are 3 roles in the system: admin, teacher, and student.

Main features include:

  • Authentication:

    • User can register, login, and logout
    • Use JWT to authenticate user
    • Implement captcha to prevent brute force attack
  • User Management:

    • Admin can create, update, delete, and get all user
    • Teacher can add student to class
    • Student can view their profile, update their profile and change password
    • Import user from excel
  • Class Management:

    • Admin can create, update, delete, and get all class
    • Teacher can create class and become owner of the class
    • Teacher can add, remove student to class
    • Import class members from excel
  • Exam:

    • Admin can create, update, delete, and get all exam
    • Teacher can create exam and assign exam to class they own
    • Student can view and take exam assigned to their class
    • Create random exam from question bank
    • Import exam from excel
  • Question:

    • Support many types of question: single choice, multiple choice, true/false, short answer questions.
    • Question bank implementation
    • Admin can create, update, delete, and get all question
    • Teacher can create question and
  • Record:

    • Admin can get all record of exam results
    • Teacher can get all record of their class
    • Student can view their record of exam
    • Admin and teacher can view the statistics of exam results like max, min, average score of a exam
    • Export record to excel
  • Exam Mistake:

    • Admin can get all error of exam
    • Teacher can get all error of their class
    • Student can view their error of exam and can retry the exam error
  • Notification:

    • Admin can create, update, delete, and get all notification
    • Teacher can create notification and send notification to class they own
    • Student can view notification sent to their class or from admin
    • Implement email notification
    • Implement push notification through Firebase Cloud Messaging
  • Upload:

    • Implement file upload for question, exam, and user image profile
    • Implement media server to store file (AWS S3, Cloudinary, AliOSS, etc.)

Running the application

Make sure you have Java 17, Maven, Docker, and Docker Compose installed on your machine

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/vanhung4499/exam-online-system-be
  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the environment variables
cp .env.example .env
  1. Run the mysql and redis server using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
  1. Import database schema to mysql server
mysql -u root -p exam < db/schema.sql
  1. Run maven to install dependencies and build the project
mvn clean install
  1. Run the application
mvn spring-boot:run

You can run the application in IntelliJ IDEA by running the ExamApplication class

Database Schema

You can find the database schema in the db folder

TODO: add the database schema image

API Documentation

Todo: Add OpenAPI documentation


Todo: Add deployment instructions


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
