The Chopping Block for 1.0
evanplaice opened this issue · 0 comments
evanplaice commented
This issue outlines any and all operators that already exist in the code base but should really be removed before 1.0
- arrays.concat - Array.prototype.concat v0.74.1
- arrays.every - Array.prototype.every v0.81.8
- arrays.flatten - duplicate of arrays.flat v0.74.2
- arrays.indexOf - Array.prototype.indexOf v0.74.3
- arrays.join - Array.prototype.join v0.74.4
- arrays.lastIndexOf - Array.prototype.lastIndexOf v0.74.5
- arrays.reduceRight - Array.prototype.reduceRight v0.74.6
- arrays.reverse - Array.prototype.reverse v0.74.7
- arrays.slice - Array.prototype.slice v0.74.8
- arrays.some - Array.prototype.some v0.81.7
- arrays.tap - Array.prototype.forEach v0.81.6
- objects.keys Object.keys v0.74.9
- strings.indexOf - String.prototype.indexOf v0.74.10
- arrays.findIndex - there is a built-in but it may be good to keep for symmetry with findLastIndex
- arrays.fill - Array.prototype.fill - built-in but IE lacks support
- arrays.find - Array.prototype.find - built-in but IE lacks support
- arrays.flat - Array.prototype.flat - built-in but IE & Edge lack support
- objects.assign - Objects.assign - built-in but IE lacks support
- objects.toEntries - Objects.toEntries - built-in but IE lacks support
- objects.values - Objects.values - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.endsWith - String.prototype.endsWith - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.includes - String.prototype.includes - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.padEnd - String.prototype.padEnd - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.padStart - String.prototype.padStart - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.repeat - String.prototype.repeat - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.startsWith - String.prototype.startsWith - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.trimEnd - String.prototype.trimEnd - built-in but IE lacks support
- strings.trimStart - String.prototype.trimStart - built-in but IE lacks support
No But Change the Name
- arrays.fromPairs -> objects.fromEntries - built-in but IE & Edge lack support v0.74.11