
Uploading no selected picture on product edit page generates exception

Closed this issue · 10 comments

When editing product in dashboard and I do not select any picture and press upload exception
Spatie\MediaLibrary\Exceptions\FileCannotBeAdded\RequestDoesNotHaveFile appears. With message "The current request does not have a file in a key named images"

I am still using the demo from 2 weeks time, if it was fixed please close the issue.

Do not know if this helps spatie/laravel-medialibrary#646

Vanilo v0.4 was released yesterday. Please use a fresh new install and check if that works.
We've been testing it excessively in the last few weeks and haven't had this error, so it should work.

I have installed the version 0.4 and there are two problems.
First when creating new product and attempting to upload a picture there is no button to submit the picture and the picture is not uploaded with the creation of the product.

Create form - No Submit
Edit form - Submit

Second problem is the one I have highlighted yesterday. When I am on product edit page and just click the green submit button to upload a picture it will throw exception.

Hmm ok.., thanks for the report, I'll look into it shortly.

I am just having a look around the 0.4 now and the upload of files when creating products works. It it just the edit exception.

Do you mean that the only problem is when you submit Images on product edit form without files selected with the green arrow?


I have changed Vanilo\Framework\Http\Controllers\MediaController@store

public function store(Request $request)
            flash()->error(__('No image supplied, image is required!'));
            return redirect()->back();

        // Laravel Black Magic
        $model = app(concord()->short($request->get('forType')))->find($request->get('forId'));

        $model->addMultipleMediaFromRequest(['images'])->each(function ($fileAdder) {

        flash()->success(__('Images have been added successfully!'));
        return redirect()->back();

and the exception is not triggered

Ok, I'll add that validation to the framework

It's been released in framework v0.4.1.
To get the update run: composer update vanilo/framework

Thanks again for the report + the suggestion.