
new emojis do not show good on textview

hvar90 opened this issue · 7 comments

hvar90 commented

i would like to reopen this issue

i downloaded the last code of github and i tested the example and i continue having the same problem :(
also if i use the library on my app
implementation "com.vanniktech:emoji-ios:0.18.0-SNAPSHOT"
i have the same result


Can you post the emoji strings here, so I can copy them?

hvar90 commented

these are the emojis

Can't reproduce. Feel free to send a PR with a fix:


hvar90 commented

@vanniktech you tested on EditTextview, on EditTextview it works good, the problem is only on TextViews, try to test there maybe you get the same result as me

Also works:


hvar90 commented

i could find a way to reproduce the problem
the problem happens on EditTextViews too
on file MainActivity.kt
change the setOnClickListener to recreate the activity
put these emojis on the EditTextView
then click on send button
after recreating the activity the emojis will change
tell me if you can reproduce the problem
i think solving that problem is possible solving the problem for TextView too

 binding.chatSend.setOnClickListener {
     /* val text = binding.chatEditText.text.toString().trim { it <= ' ' }
      if (text.isNotEmpty()) {

emojis before recreating acivity


emojis after recreating acivity


Nope. Still can't. But hey since you can, please submit a PR with a fix :)