Problems with the update for Java
gelbertgel opened this issue · 2 comments
I am using Java code in my application. I updated your library.
My version: implementation "com.vanniktech:emoji-ios:0.13.0"
How do I save emojiPopup setOnEmojiPopupListener after update? Do I have to write one by one in the constructor?
Especially in version 15, I could not access EmojiEditText, EmojiPopup etc. I didn't understand how to use them either.
Do you have a use like emojiPopup.setOnEmojiPopupShownListener(this);
? Or do I have to give a mountain field directly in the constructor?
My previous usage:
emojiPopup = EmojiPopup.Builder.fromRootView(this)
.setOnEmojiBackspaceClickListener(v -> {
.setOnEmojiClickListener((imageView, emoji) -> {
.setOnEmojiPopupShownListener(() -> emojiToggle.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_baseline_keyboard_24))
.setOnSoftKeyboardOpenListener(keyBoardHeight -> {
.setOnEmojiPopupDismissListener(() -> emojiToggle.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_baseline_emoji_emotions_24))
.setOnSoftKeyboardCloseListener(() -> {
Current code:
emojiPopup = new EmojiPopup(this, editText, null, null, null, null, null,,
0, this, null, null, null, null, this);
Where did I go wrong I am very happy with your library. It's nice that you keep it up to date, but I couldn't adapt it to Java.
Yeah things have changed. Either read up on compatibility on your own or use Kotlin.
implement Kotlin classpath and also the plugin in your build.gradle app module. You should be able to use the lib in your Java project. Cheers!