gradlew task for generating combined result is not showing proper result
ujwalthote opened this issue · 4 comments
When I open generated index.html file in build/reports/jacocoCombined directory
It shows combined results fine,
but it shows coverage for all the instrumentation tests 0%
and coverage for JUnit tests is showing correctly.
One more thing is that when I open index.html in build/reports/coverage directory which is generated only for instrumentation tests is showing correct results,
why it is not being shown in the report which is generated for combined results?
Point to be added, includeInstrumentationCoverageInMergedReport is also true
@vRallev is this intended?
If you see the coverage for instrumentation tests separately, then this sounds like a bug.
Thanks for the update, is there any other way to achieve this?
Folding this into #139. I think something broke between then and now. Maybe some Android Gradle Plugin upgrade? Gradle? Dunno.