
"Plugin not found" when using snapshot version

igorwojda opened this issue · 1 comments


I am struggling to actually use the snapshot version of the plugin.
Not sure because I use Gradle Kotlin DSL or I mess up something with the config.

Gradle fails to find a plugin for version 0.16.0-20190831.151000-2...

Plugin [id: '', version: '0.16.0-20190831.151000-2'] was not found in any of the following sources:

...while version 0.15.0 is working fine with the same config. Here is the branch with both versions set up (snapshot version is commented out), so you can easily test it.

I had to add pluginManagement block to to make another plugin repository work with Gradle (maybe docs are worth updating)

Adding resolutionStrategy to settings.gradle.kts solved the issue

resolutionStrategy {
        eachPlugin {
            if ( == "") {