Plugin fails when testCoverageEnabled = true
tobiasKaminsky opened this issue · 4 comments
I try to us this plugin instead of the old unsupported jacoco plugin.
Here you can see how I changed it.
But when running ./gradlew assemble or ./gradle tasks it fails with:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'android-library'.
> Could not create task ':testDebugUnitTest'.
> java.lang.NullPointerException (no error message)
Stacktrace/info/debug does not help me.
Same problem!
In my case the problem was that the project structure is old. There is only one build.gradle and no sub folder for actual sourcecode (e.g. app).
Once I adapted to new structure it works.
I had different modules with their own build gradle. Everthing seemed good until I set testcoveragenabled in one of the module build.gradle.
Ditto. Adding testCoverageEnabled true
like in the README causing the task step to get skipped.