
Cannot configure base plugin in groovy-based build.gradle

kyhule opened this issue · 1 comments

I have a very old build that publishes android libraries that is still using groovy-based build.gradle scripts. I need to update the build to publish multiple variants due to a business need to configure flavors. I am attempting to use the base plugin and configure it using AndroidMultiVariantLibrary as documented here but I get an error when I try to pass the includedBuildTypeValues and includedFlavorDimensionsAndValues parameters.

Here is the configuration:

mavenPublishing {
    configure(new AndroidMultiVariantLibrary(true, true, ["release"], ["flavor": ["foo", "bar"]]))

Here is the error:

Caused by: groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Could not find matching constructor for: com.vanniktech.maven.publish.AndroidMultiVariantLibrary(Boolean, Boolean, ArrayList, LinkedHashMap)

Due to some unconventional complexities in the build scripts, I am unable to migrate to kotlin-based build.gradle.kts at this time.

I tried a quick and dirty workaround by creating a maven-publish.gradle.kts to configure it in kotlin and apply it to the bottom of my groovy-based build.gradle but I ran into issues with it not being able to resolve the com.vanniktech.maven.publish package even though the library is on the classpath.

Here is my maven-publish.gradle.kts:

apply(plugin = "com.vanniktech.maven.publish.base")

extensions.getByType<com.vanniktech.maven.publish.MavenPublishBaseExtension>().apply {
    configure(com.vanniktech.maven.publish.AndroidMultiVariantLibrary(includedBuildTypeValues = setOf("release"), includedFlavorDimensionsAndValues = mapOf("flavor" to setOf("foo", "bar"))))

Here is the error:

* What went wrong:
Script compilation errors:

  Line 17: extensions.getByType<com.vanniktech.maven.publish.MavenPublishBaseExtension>().apply {
                                    ^ Unresolved reference: vanniktech

Alright, so I was able to get the configuration in groovy working by just casting to Set and Map like so:

mavenPublishing {
    configure(new AndroidMultiVariantLibrary(true, true, ["release"] as Set, ["flavor": ["foo", "bar"] as Set ] as Map))

And found out the workaround didn't work because apply from buildscripts basically have their own classpath isolated from the build.

Closing this issue.