
Chaotic Feat:Chaotic animation with erratic box movement

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe your chaotic idea

Chaotic Animation with Erratic Box Movement
Description: The boxes on the page should move unpredictably across the screen, with random translations, rotations, and speed changes. The movement should create a chaotic visual effect.

Expected Behavior:

Boxes move randomly across different parts of the screen.
Boxes rotate randomly at different angles during movement.
The animation loops infinitely with random patterns.

Add Screenshots or Sketches

Boxes move randomly across different parts of the screen.
Boxes rotate randomly at different angles during movement.
The animation loops infinitely with random patterns.


  • I understand that my idea will add to the chaos and I'm okay with it
  • I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
  • I want to work on this feature
  • I'm GSSOC'24 Extd registered Contributor
  • I'm Hacktoberfest registered Contributor

Can you share some pictures/sketches/designs ?
Will you be using any external libraries for this or you gonna create on your own?


Here is a small clip

Where we will add this?



I am keeping this on pending, will let you know once the main page and basic structure is ready
I will notify you

Do you still want to work on this?
If yes then you can let me know and start working and complete it asap