
Mac assistant not building

dynomite567 opened this issue · 9 comments

I keep on having this problem when trying to build, can this be fixed?
screen shot 2018-02-13 at 1 18 37 pm

This worked for me:

  • Don't do conversion to Swift 4
  • Add google_oauth.json and google_oauth_dev.json files to the MacAssistant/MacAssistant/ directory.

Ok, its been a while, but how do I tell Xcode to not convert to swift 4? I cant seem to figure that out.

AudioKit 4.2 was just released and xcode 9.3 compiles MacAssistant successfully after updating AudioKit.


  1. Close Xcode
  2. cd to MacAssistant directory
  3. run pod update 'AudioKit'; optionally use --verbose for progress

snimek obrazovky 2018-04-14 v 20 25 47

what should I do with this?

When trying to start or to stop AudioKit, an error can occur. In code, this error is not caught and if this error would indeed occur, there is no way for the user to know. Xcode highlights this as a point for improvement.

For fixing, try google or this StackOverflow answer.

If you do not care about catching errors and just want to hack it, append ! after try in lines 115 and 128. e.g.: try! AudioKit.stop(). this should remove the warnings.

Oh thanks, this helped me a lot. I just wanted to somehow compile it.

Now I have to find out how to get google_oauth_dev.json

I am really not good at programming and compiling, is there somebody who would compile it for me if I provide you my google_oauth.json? Please contact me @ (please don't spam me with some crap)

I have an updated version of the software in the works, and I'll be sure to have an option from the GUI to use your own google_oauth.json. Stay tuned. It should also be simpler to build.