
Next Update Release

bkjimena11 opened this issue · 48 comments

When will the next update get released?

Probably soon -- I just graduated and should have a little bit more free time to work on this now.

Oh OK. Cool. How soon do you think will you be able to release an update? And will we be able to visual see what Google Assistant replies back when we ask it something?

I am aiming for February. I completely revamped the project in the interest of making it feel like a more polished product. There are still some issues to be sorted out. However, if you build from source, you can use MacAssistant in a somewhat working state. And yes, you can already visually see what Google Assistant replies when you ask it something!

I don't see what Google Assistant says when I ask it something.

Are you building from source? Only that has it. The builds on the downloads page do not.

Oh I see. Where can I download a version that lets me see when Google Assistant replies to my request? I am not a programmer.

There is no download available right now. You have to build from source

How do I do that if I don't know how to program?

There's instructions in the README. No explicit programming required to get it working, just some setup.

Where is the README?

Where is the location of "./MacAssistant/Config/google_oauth.json" on my computer?

The "." refers to wherever you downloaded the repo to

So I can create a folder called Config since it doesn't exist yet?

It should already exist. If your repo directory is called MacAssistant, then you can find the Config directory in MacAssistant/MacAssistant/Config

When I open the contents for MacAssistant, I have a folder called Contents. Then inside that folder, I have folders called _Code Signature, Frameworks, MacOS & Resources. Also in that folder are files called Info.plist & PkgInfo.

What is happening now?

Can you help me, please?

You need to modify the contents of the repository, not the app. Please clone the git repo and modify from there

Oh ok. What do I need to do? Can you send me pictures of what I should do?

And where do you live? I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and it is 2:26 AM here.

Git clone the repository, follow the directions in the README to get the Google OAuth credentials, and follow the build instructions in the README

I already got the Google OAuth credentials, how do I git clone the repository?

You have to install brew for macOS and then you could insert this command in your terminal git clone

I have installed brew and put in the command git clone in the terminal, what is the next step?

You have to open the Finder and go to your users folder, open MacAssistant folder and open again MacAssistant folder, at this point, you should see a folder called Config, copy here your oauth token and change the name to google_oauth

I do not see a folder called Config. I downloaded the 0.2 file. Is that right?
screen shot 2018-12-20 at 8 16 42 am

You should delete the zip and use the version downloaded from Git, the default folder is /Users/YourUsername/MacAssistant
Also this is a year and an half old release

How do I run the program now?

In order to run the program, you have to download xCode from the Mac App Store and run it once (to download some components) and then you have to navigate again inside the same folder in which there is the Config folder (/Users/YourUsername/MacAssistant) and open MacAssistant.xcworkspace. Once xCode loaded the project you can simply press the play button.
To convert the project to a .app program, you have to go under Product → Archive and archive the app.

Is there a way to check for updates automatically?

Not atm, this is a pre-release version. I suggest you to come and check. I've this repository on my favorites and check it at least twice a week.

Is an archive called BoringSSL supposed to be made?

If I'm not wrong, it's one of the dependecies of this project so, it's normal

screen shot 2018-12-21 at 11 14 31 pm

This is what I am stuck on now, what do I need to do?

You're trying to export a dependency. You have to come back to xCode, select MacAssistant and archive it. Next you have to click Distribute Content into a local app

Is it the first MacAssistant folder that I archive or the other folder named "MacAssistant " inside the first folder?

Are you able to run it at all from Xcode (You can run it by hitting Command-R)

What do you mean vanshg?

Which file do I need to open in Xcode?

When I open MacAssistant.xcworkspace, I press the play button. Then after that I press the archive option under product, then this is when the boringssl thing that I mentioned in other messages appears. I really don't understand what I should be doing. Can someone give a step by step guide on how I should be doing this?

When you run it, does it works?

It does 133 tasks when I press the play button, is that right?

I'm not sure about the number of tasks but it should be right. What I mean is if you're able to use MacAssistant running it from the play button


In this case, there's an error during the building of the project. Are you able to see any error?

I will show you what happens.

It works now.