
Ansible role to install goss Linux system validation.

Goss Ansible Role

Build Status

A simple Ansible role to install goss.


None. The goss binary is self contained.


To install directly from GitHub

- name: goss
  src: http://github.com/vantaworks/goss.git
  scm: git
  version: master

Or, if you want to install from Ansible Galaxy:

- name: goss
  src: vantaworks.goss
  version: master

Then run the following tocmmand to install.

ansible-galaxy install -p roles -r requirements.yml -f

Further information on variables and example playbooks are shown below.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

Whether or not you want to install or uninstall goss

goss_state: "present"
goss_state: "absent"

Whether or not you want to override/upgrade the version already installed.

goss_force_reinstall: True

Specify a specific version of goss to install. Recommended: Leave this blank so the newest is used.

goss_version: 0.3.13

Which URL to use as the source-of-truth for goss versions.

goss_version_url: "https://api.github.com/repos/aelsabbahy/goss/tags?per_page=300"

Where to donload the goss binary from?

goss_download_url: "https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss/releases/download/{{ goss_version }}/goss-linux-{{ goss_arch }}"

What is the intended architecture?

goss_arch: amd64
# options include: amd64, 386, and arm

Where should goss be installed to?

goss_install_path: /usr/local/bin/goss


No Ansible-Python dependencies. See Requirements above for role requirements.

Example Playbooks

# Install the latest `goss` verison
- name: Example Install Play 1
  hosts: goss
    - vantaworks.goss

# Install a specified `goss` version
- name: Example Install Play 2
  hosts: goss
    goss_version: 0.3.13
    - vantaworks.goss

# Uninstall `goss`
- name: Example Uninstall Play
  hosts: goss
    goss_state: "absent"
    - vantaworks.goss
