
Please don't console.log in production

Closed this issue · 1 comments


as a developer I frequently use the Chrome Dev Console. Since the last update of this extension, it unfortunately logs out messages, often in a regular interval. Can you remove that from the extension? It is cluttering my console a bit.

To reproduce:
Go to and look into the console.

messages in the console from Skip Silence

You can use "Hide messages from main.js" by right-clicking the filename, but that does not seem like a clean solution and the filter generated by this seems to reset itself after some time (or after a Browser restart).
Don't show main.js console out

It seems that isDebug is true in the current Chrome Webstore version of the extension.

const isDebugging = true;


Thank you for reporting this.
I also already notices that I forgot to update the variable before sending it to Google. Yesterday I released v2.4 which fixes this mistake, but Google is currently taking some time to approve new releases.