Tests fails using MySQL Provider
Closed this issue · 4 comments
gperdomor commented
In this function:
func testPostRoutes() throws {
let idOne = try create() ?? -1
try fetchOne(id: idOne)
try fetchAll(expectCount: 1)
try patch(id: idOne)
try put(id: idOne) // HERE
let idTwo = try create() ?? -1
try fetchAll(expectCount: 2)
try deleteOne(id: idOne)
try fetchAll(expectCount: 1)
try deleteOne(id: idTwo)
try fetchAll(expectCount: 0)
let newIds = try (1...5).map { _ in try create() ?? 1 }
try fetchAll(expectCount: newIds.count)
try deleteAll()
try fetchAll(expectCount: 0)
When try put(id: idOne)
is called, delete the initial post and create a new post, so the original idOne not exists anymore and fails here try deleteOne(id: idOne)
Fails using mysql, i don't know why pass using memory driver
gperdomor commented
@tanner0101 still happening
tanner0101 commented
Could you clarify what the following sentence means:
When try put(id: idOne) is called, delete the initial post and create a new post, so the original idOne not exists anymore and fails here try deleteOne(id: idOne)
gperdomor commented
Read the comments please :D
func testPostRoutes() throws {
let idOne = try create() ?? -1 // Post with id 1 is created.... So idOne is equal to 1
try fetchOne(id: idOne)
try fetchAll(expectCount: 1)
try patch(id: idOne)
try put(id: idOne) // Put remove the original post, so Post 1 is deleted and create a post with id 2
let idTwo = try create() ?? -1 // create a new post, in this case idTwo = 3
try fetchAll(expectCount: 2)
try deleteOne(id: idOne) // Try to remove the post with id = 1 but this id not exist anymore because it was deleted in the put sentence.
try fetchAll(expectCount: 1)
try deleteOne(id: idTwo)
try fetchAll(expectCount: 0)
let newIds = try (1...5).map { _ in try create() ?? 1 }
try fetchAll(expectCount: newIds.count)
try deleteAll()
try fetchAll(expectCount: 0)
tanner0101 commented