
Array arguments

liscio opened this issue · 7 comments

I've been using Console for building some internal tools, and it's been going great so far. Thanks for separating it from vapor, and for the recent ConsoleKit changes!

Anyway, I was wondering today whether you folks considered allowing for an argument to be specified multiple times? For instance, say I have an input argument that can be specified multiple times. It'd be used like so:

my-command --input /path/to/input --input /path/to/other/input --output /path/to/output

Ideally, this would allow me to get an array of paths for the key "input" from a CommandContext.


I like this. I'm wondering if maybe using a comma separated list might be better though?

my-command --input /path/to/input,/path/to/other/input --output /path/to/output

Is there a precedent for that usage? I can't think of one myself—especially one that plays nicely when used in bash scripts, etc.

For instance, xcodebuild uses the pattern I proposed to specify multiple localization languages (-exportLanguage), find allows you to specify many duplicated switches on the command line (like -or predicates), and it's also common to think of input files in this way. Think, cat fileA fileB fileC > bigFile, for instance.

I think it may be more common in the Python world? I haven't looked a whole lot. I'm fine going either way.

Just to chime in, Python's Click library does it the way @liscio mentioned but they also have an optional guard in the form of nargs:

This seems like a worthwhile addition. I think we'd need a new property wrapper for it. Something like:

@Array(name: "input")
var inputs: [String]

@Array name should be bike-shedded as there's probably something better. Maybe @Options (with an s)?

You could also conform Array to LosslessStringConvertible.

gwynne commented

This is essentially superseded by #180