
Group fallback not behaving as I expect

kdawgwilk opened this issue ยท 2 comments

I am working on a new project Autobahn and am using Console for the CLI tool ๐Ÿ‘ I am wanting to define a default command that runs if no existing matches are found. So here is my setup:

let group = Group(id: executable, commands: [
    Drive(console: terminal),
    Init(console: terminal),
], help: [
    "CLI for 'autobahn' - The swiftiest way to automate mundane developer tasks for your iOS apps",
], fallback: Drive(console: terminal))

try, arguments: args)

This is the output for autobahn --help:

Autobahn v0.1.0
Usage: autobahn command

CLI for 'autobahn' - The swiftiest way to automate mundane developer tasks for your iOS apps

  drive *Drive a specific highway
   init Creates a default Autobahn.swift file

Use `autobahn command --help` for more information on a command.

And this is the output for autobahn drive --help

Autobahn v0.1.0
Usage: autobahn drive <highway> [--verbose]

*Drive a specific highway

  highway The name of the highway you would like to drive

  verbose Print more info to help debug issues

Now what I want to do is mark Drive as the default to I can just run autobahn <highway> and have it run autobahn drive <highway> behind the scenes. Basically I want to be able to pass arguments to the fallback command

thanks for reporting @kdawgwilk. I believe this is already fixed in 3.0 but I'm tagging this issue to make sure.

This limitation no longer exists in version 3. Groups work more similarly to commands now and you can execute arbitrary code when they are run.