Unable to Decode sum(int(11)) Values in MySQL
thecheatah opened this issue · 3 comments
I am not able to decode an integer for a query like
SELECT sum(unread_messages_count) `count` FROM `chat_participant` WHERE `user_id` = \(bind: userId)
where unread_messages_count
is an int(11)
in mysql. Going through the debugger, it seems that we hit the default
case on line 313 of MySQLData.swift
The value of MySQLData.type
that the switch statement is switching off of has a raw value of 246
. Type 246
is newdecimal
from MySQLProtocol+DataType.swift line 68. Should we handle converting newdecimal
to Int
? The default .sum()
aggregation function tries to decode to Int
as well and I was having trouble with the following code:
return ChatParticipant.query(on: db)
.filter(\.$user.$id, .equal, userId)
.unwrap(or: Abort(.internalServerError, reason: "Unable to unwrap sum(numberOfUnreadMessages) for user \(userId)"))
I was getting the same decoding error as the raw query.
I can see why they might use decimal as the summed up columns might not be integers. Looking at the MySQLNIO decoding logic, it doesn't seem like we handle decoding of newdecimal
anywhere. newdecimal
seems to be unimplemented.
Also, does decoding sum as int by default make sense? (I can be convinced either way) This is dynamic based on the type of the field. The "issue" is that for an int column, mysql is returning a newdecimal
that cannot be parsed as an int.
I am using the latest docker image for MySQL 5.7.
My work around for this bug was to cast the sum aggregate as SIGNED
SELECT CAST(sum(unread_messages_count) as SIGNED) `count` FROM `chat_participant` WHERE `user_id` = \(bind: userId)
Added test case that fails:
func testDecodingSumOfInts() throws {
let conn = try MySQLConnection.test(on: self.eventLoop).wait()
defer { try! conn.close().wait() }
let dropResults = try conn.simpleQuery("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS foos").wait()
XCTAssertEqual(dropResults.count, 0)
let createResults = try conn.simpleQuery("CREATE TABLE foos (`item_count` int(11))").wait()
XCTAssertEqual(createResults.count, 0)
let rows = try conn.simpleQuery("SELECT sum(`item_count`) as sum from foos").wait()
guard rows.count == 1 else {
XCTFail("invalid row count")
XCTAssertEqual(rows[0].column("sum")?.string, "0")
XCTAssertEqual(rows[0].column("sum")?.double, 0)
XCTAssertEqual(rows[0].column("sum")?.int, 0)
Debugger returns
(lldb) po rows[0].column("sum")
▿ Optional<MySQLData>
▿ some : nil
- rawValue : 246
- format : MySQLNIO.MySQLData.Format.text
- buffer : nil
- isUnsigned : false
The native D mysql driver seems to have run into a similar issue: mysql-d/mysql-native#39
newdecimal appears to be a length encoded string as documented here: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/resultset-row/#decimal-binary-encoding
From observation a 0
is represented as a nil buffer. 1
is represented as the string 1
. From the documentation above, numbers can also be 123.456
Example encoding of 1 as a new decimal
(lldb) po self
- rawValue : 246
- format : MySQLNIO.MySQLData.Format.binary
▿ buffer : Optional<ByteBuffer>
▿ some : ByteBuffer { readerIndex: 0, writerIndex: 1, readableBytes: 1, capacity: 1, slice: _ByteBufferSlice { 7..<8 }, storage: 0x00000001018d8600 (32768 bytes) }
▿ _storage : <_Storage: 0x100cad320>
- _readerIndex : 0
- _writerIndex : 1
▿ _slice : _ByteBufferSlice { 7..<8 }
- upperBound : 8
▿ _begin : 7
- b12 : 7
- b3 : 0
- isUnsigned : false
(lldb) po buffer.readString(length: buffer.readableBytes)
▿ Optional<String>
- some : "1"