
API for configuring drivers

tanner0101 opened this issue · 5 comments

There's a bit of manual work currently required to get a valid JobsPersistanceLayer. We should provide some convenience APIs for this like FluentKit does.

Each driver can extend those convenience APIs with functions for supplying the required credentials.

Perhaps we could utilize JobsConfiguration, something like this would be nice:

s.extend(JobsConfiguration.self) { configuration, container in
    let job = try ExecutorJob(container)
    configuration.configureRedis(hostname: ..., port: ...)
jdmcd commented

But with that wouldn't the main jobs package have to know that Redis exists?

@mcdappdev no, JobsConfiguration would hold just a JobsPersistanceLayer, then JobsRedisDriver would extend JobsConfiguration to add that method

jdmcd commented

Ahh I see. That could work nicely! Let's plan on doing that.

We need to make sure that we use the provider (or other means) to properly cleanup any connection pools that we create