
Run in Application's EventLoopGroup for Vapor 3

Igor-Palaguta opened this issue · 4 comments

It is cool if there is way to customize event loop group for version 0.2.7. Like in new version to reuse application's event loops group

Under hobby account in heroku there is a limit 20 postgres connections for all workers. And JobCommand creates MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount) and every thread creates own connections as I understand correctly. So this limit is easy to reach currently

jdmcd commented

That's a good point. We should make it customizable.

jdmcd commented

FYI - this will be fixed for v1

v1 is shipped with Vapor 4?
Cool if for Vapor 3 it will also work

jdmcd commented

Right now V1 is targeting Vapor 4, so no, it won't work in Vapor 3. If I get some time later this week or next week though I can make a patch for Vapor 3.