
swift run Run jobs --scheduled only works with using .at()

khoogheem opened this issue · 11 comments

If you schedule a job using at with a specific date then the scheduled works.. however if you try and setup a job using something like .everySecond() it never process the jobs


public func configure(_ app: Application) throws { "Sat, 04 Jan 2020 16:47:40 GMT")!)
    try "redis://"))

Doesn't work

public func configure(_ app: Application) throws {
    try "redis://"))

job is just a simple print

struct TestJob: ScheduledJob {    
    func run(context: JobContext) -> EventLoopFuture<Void> {
        print("Job has run \(context)")       
        return context.eventLoop.makeSucceededFuture(Void())

if I make the change to ScheduleBuilder:

    public func everySecond() {
        self.second = 1

and put in a breakpoint in the nextDate(current function I can get it to run once.. but not repeated

The other part here in doing some testing

if I use it does not work.

however this does

On this note, I cant get the .schedule to work at all "Sat, 12 Jan 2020 11:05:00 AEST") ?? Date())

Nothing happens

jdmcd commented

@idi888 Just checking that you're actually running the jobs worker?

@mcdappdev I thought I was, I registered the with the redis driver
When i looked into it, it looked like I was missing something becuase the was never running

Can you point me to a gist/something

jdmcd commented

Sure, checkout the docs here: vapor/docs#389

(Make sure to read the ones in the 4.0 folder)

@mcdappdev Thanks I got it

The fix for the everySecond() is simply-ish (might want to rename milliseconds to nanoseconds to keep it inline with DateComponents)

You are not taking into account the milliseconds so the DateComponents is empty so it can not create a nextDate()

if let milliseconds = millisecond {
            components.nanosecond = milliseconds
jdmcd commented

@idi888 where are you saying that code should go?

jdmcd commented

Thanks much @adirburke, it's fixed here: #58

No worries. Happy to help!

jdmcd commented

Fixed via #58