Variadic groupBy / orderBy
grosch opened this issue · 6 comments
@tanner0101 , after out long chat on Discord, I ended up with these convenience methods. Like you said, they only work if all arguments are the same for the groupBy and orderBy, but that you knew how to fix. Hopefully this can turn into a real thing
extension SQLSelectBuilder {
// This one needs to REPLACE the existing one as it adds the column
public func groupBy<T,V>(_ keyPaths: KeyPath<T, V>...) -> Self
where T: SQLTable
return { keyPath in
return groupBy(.column(.keyPath(keyPath))).column(expression: .column(.keyPath(keyPath)))
public func sum<T,V>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, as alias: Connection.Query.Select.SelectExpression.Identifier? = nil) -> Self where T: SQLTable {
return column(function: "SUM", .expression(.column(.keyPath(keyPath))), as: alias)
public func count<T,V>(_ keyPath: KeyPath<T, V>, as alias: Connection.Query.Select.SelectExpression.Identifier? = nil) -> Self where T: SQLTable {
return column(function: "COUNT", .expression(.column(.keyPath(keyPath))), as: alias)
public func orderBy<T,V>(_ keyPaths: KeyPath<T,V>..., direction: Connection.Query.Select.OrderBy.Direction = .ascending) -> Self where T: SQLTable {
keyPaths.forEach { keyPath in
select.orderBy.append(.orderBy(.column(.keyPath(keyPath)), direction))
return self
I've added the count
and sum
methods as static conveniences to SQLSelectStatement
in #35. This will allow for you to do something like:
.where(\Planet.galaxyID, .equal, 5)
.where(\Planet.galaxyID, .equal, 5)
.column(.sum(\, as: "id_sum")
.where(\Planet.galaxyID, .equal, 5)
I think this is a bit more future proof than adding directly to the SQLSelectBuilder
as the amount of functions there may start to become quite bloated.
I'll leave this issue open to discuss the best way of adding orderBy
and groupBy
. Could you reiterate here what the use case for those variadic methods is?
The variadics are just a convenience. I usually am doing more than one SUM, for example, so it just makes the code a bit cleaner. The group by one, though, automatically adds the item being grouped to the select list. If you're grouping by it, you MUST select it, so why make them explicitly add it?
Hey @tanner0101, any update on the groupBy option?
@grosch I'm not sure the signature as exists would work:
func groupBy<T,V>(_ keyPaths: KeyPath<T, V>...)
This only allows you to add key paths of the same model and value. For example, what if you wanted to do something like:
.join(Galaxy.self, on: \Planet.galaxyID == \
.groupBy(\, \
This wouldn't work because the root model type is not equal (Galaxy != Planet). The same thing also prevents grouping by two different columns on the same model if the column type is different.
@tanner0101 The sql you showed isn't valid though. If you GROUP BY something, those items all have to be in the select list.
Closing this out as obsolete; Swift now has much better variadic generics and Fluent 5 will leverage them.