
Wrong api docs

makhocheung opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

Found wrong api docs here,there is no async version of FileIO.readFile method.


  • Vapor Framework version: 4.70.0
  • Vapor Toolbox version:
  • OS version:

Additional context

Here is my PR to revise the comment

Code from FileIO+Concurrency.swift

   /// Reads the contents of a file at the supplied path in chunks.
    ///     try await req.fileio().readChunked(file: "/path/to/file.txt") { chunk in
    ///         print("chunk: \(data)")
    ///     }
    /// - parameters:
    ///     - path: Path to file on the disk.
    ///     - chunkSize: Maximum size for the file data chunks.
    ///     - onRead: Closure to be called sequentially for each file data chunk.
    /// - returns: `Void` when the file read is finished.
    // public func readFile(at path: String, chunkSize: Int = NonBlockingFileIO.defaultChunkSize, onRead: @escaping (ByteBuffer) async throws -> Void) async throws {
    //     // TODO
    //     // We should probably convert the internal private read function to async as well rather than wrapping it at this top level
    //     let promise = self.request.eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
    //     promise.completeWithTask {
    //         try await onRead
    //     }
    //     let closureFuture = promise.futureResult
    //     return try self.readFile(at: path, onRead: closureFuture).get()
    // }

I'm confused why this code is commented out

0xTim commented

@makhocheung it's commented out because there was an issue with the concurrency/NIO integration for making it work. Feel free to try adding it though!