
HEAD response should allow non-zero Content-Length

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the issue

HTTPHeaders.updateContentLength(_:) overrides the “Content-Length” value provided in the response headers with the size of the body (0) in contravention of RFC9110.

Vapor version


Operating system and version


Swift version

Swift Package Manager - Swift 5.10.0-dev

Steps to reproduce

  1. Perform a HEAD request for a resource with a non-zero content length
  2. Set the "Content-Length" header of the 200 response with the size of the resource in bytes
  3. Observe the response includes the header content-length: 0 instead of the expected non-zero value.


Vapor responses to HEAD requests do not behave according to the RFC and the required functionality from non-zero Content-Length headers in HEAD responses cannot be achieved.

Additional notes

In the statement

The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT send content in the response.

which is in agreement with

A server MAY send a Content-Length header field in a response to a HEAD request (Section 9.3.2); a server MUST NOT send Content-Length in such a response unless its field value equals the decimal number of octets that would have been sent in the content of a response if the same request had used the GET method.

HTTPHeaders.updateContentLength(_:) overrides the “Content-Length” value provided in the response headers with the size of the body (0) in contravention of RFC9110.

This prevents HEAD responses from behaving correctly.

#2749 may be an existing report of the same issue, with an incomplete (?) fix available #3147

The workaround from #3084 of adding the header value after creating the response works, but is non-obvious and should not be necessary to be compliant with the RFC.